Rhoades to Fitness
It's YOU vs. YOU

my cardio cure!

i think anyone who knows me, knows how much i despise cardio…and i’m gonna go as far to say that 90% of all people do. i ESPECIALLY hate cardio when i have to do it on a piece of equipment in the gym…although, ellen, the kardashians, chandler/monica/phoebe/rachel/ross/joey, and regis and kelly, do make it tolerable at times. BUT i do believe i have found the cure to my cardio blues…I GOT A BICYCLE! a GOOD bicycle, which makes all the difference in the world when you are used to hopping on an $89 huffy from walmart. I only live a total of 8-10 miles round trip to my gym, and today (leg day) i decided, why not ride my bike to the gym, do my lifting, and ride home? was it hot? YES! was it hard? YES! was it enjoyable? YES! did i get cardio and lifting done all in one trip? YES! no two-a-days for this girl today! plus i saved on gas, and polluting the earth, got my vitamin D, and felt awesome when i got home.

bottom line, you just gotta find what works for you and your life. is it spending time walking with a friend? watching your favorite show or reading a book while on the elliptical? or maybe you are JUST one of those weird people who love lacing up there shoes at 5am and going for an hour jog (puke), but to each their own. ;0D  find something you enjoy and it makes life a lot easier.

5 Responses to “my cardio cure!”

  1. I love to ride my bike to the gym, workout, and ride back!!!!!!!! Beats the treadmill any day!!!! You rock girl!!

  2. Haha! I ride my bike to the gym but it’s only .5 miles. LOL!

  3. hey, fonz. every little bit counts. and you still do bikini bootcamp. i’ll watch you do it next week while i spin on bike or walk a treadmill.

  4. love this!!! what did you get??? i actually found my stolen bike today!

  5. its a road bike. cannondale. pretty awesome. i’m getting a mtn. bike next and bringing it up! can’t believe you found your bike. thats awesome. hope you turned the perp in! or made him swing a bell for a straight hour nonstop.

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